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D R Excavation Logo - Excavation Done Right

Professional Excavation Services in & Around Rochester

CLICK TO CALL (585) 367-4898

D R Excavation Rochester

In the vast realm of excavation, land clearing, and site preparation, entrust your needs to our capable team.

With an extensive history that spans over 20 years, our adept excavation contractors have been the cornerstone of Monroe County's development, ensuring reliability and excellence in every project.

Don't let your vision wait; take the proactive step and
connect with us today. Uncover the wealth of experience we bring to the table, setting the tone for a seamless collaboration.

Secure a detailed, personalized quote at no cost, tailor-made to meet the distinctive requirements of your project. Your satisfaction is our priority!

Land Clearing

Pond Building & Drainage

Demolition & Site Prep

Basements & Foundations

  • a cat excavator is digging a hole in the dirt

Countless Satisfied Customers

With over 20 years experience, we've built a relationship with hundreds of customers - residential, commercial & industrial.

Whether it's a big or small job - we go the extra mile to get it done right!

Licensed, Insured & Focused on Safety

All of our contractors are licensed by the State of New York to carry out all the work we do, and are covered by ample insurance in case anything goes wrong.

We have a dedicated focus on safety for your property, our workers and the environment!

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